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Our House

As lovers of French literature, we drew our inspiration from Madame de Lafayette's most famous heroine.

Perhaps the first of the analytical novels, we felt it perfectly embodied the spirit of our new Maison: from passion to the glamour of a court, via freedom, love and gallantry.

Like this novel, which echoes an entire era, the Princesse de Clèves Champagne House aims to bear witness to the French art of living, by combining ancestral know-how with modernity.

In its very essence, Princesse de Clèves is synonymous with exclusivity and rarity, with all cuvees numbered. A unique know-how is invoked in the selection of the best plots, the finest grapes, in the elaboration of the blend, a blend that is unique and not reproduced between several vats, unlike the vast majority of champagnes, allows us to create this champagne of excellence, with unique, non-replicated blends.

For all these reasons, our brand is characterized by a constant quest for excellence.